Lia also works as a freelance producer. Here’s a showcase of her freelance work:
Vampire Weekend // Sunflower // SMUGGLER // Directed by Jonah Hill // WATCH
Lincoln Motor Company // Namesake | Lincoln // M ss ng P eces // Directed by Jared Knecht // WATCH
Sprite // Wieden+Kennedy // SKUNK // Directed by Greg Brunkalla // WATCH
Delta Airlines // Wieden+Kennedy // SKUNK // Directed by Greg Brunkalla // WATCH
Airwick // Droga5 // Epoch Films // Directed by Zachary Heinzerling // WATCH
AirBnB // Mssng Peces // Directed by Tucker Walsh // WATCH
Airheads // HUGE // Mssng Peces // Directed by Roy Raz // WATCH
Etsy // Office of Baby // Very Ape // Directed by Sean Dunne // WATCH
In 2012, Lia founded 330 Walter, a co-working space for filmmakers located on west 42nd Street in NYC.